Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


20 August 2009

Because Good Minds Think Alike: A Comment On Creation

I saw NP had a thing up on Coffee Stained Writer (aren't you supposed to be on maternity leave?) and it got me to thinking. In preparation for nanowrimo (because my entire world is split between Forbidden's release, finishing Awakening, and nanowrimo prep right now), I find myself thinking about the creation of new characters. Thanks NP!

I love and hate creating new characters. When I've had to create new characters for the Chronicles of Seven (it has a name now), it hasn't been that difficult. But lately the new characters I've created have been secondary characters. Sure they're important, but it's not a main character. Main characters require a lot of work.

For nanowrimo this year, I'm writing a new story with no vampires in it whatsoever. Shocking right? I know. The story centers on a woman who is in the agony of depression because she hasn't been able to have a baby with her husband (no, this is not a commentary on my personal life, but you're supposed to write what you know) and while in the throes of depression, she attempts suicide. That's all I have for now.

While I'm in research mode for this story, I have to cultivate a new character. I have to understand her mindset and get a grasp on who she is. I want to know her so well that I'll be able to do her story justice. It's hard to think about having to go through all the exercises I go through to create a new character. I don't know what she looks like yet or what her name is. It's hard.

This is why I have a hard time with new characters. Sure, it's a fresh start. I can do what I want with a new character. Established characters have parameters already. But I like my parameters. I like finding new things for my current characters to go through. Making up something new is hard.

Or maybe I'm just having a hard time with this because I can't make her a woman with supernatural speed and strength. It's good to branch out and do new things though right? That's what I'm telling myself anyway. New characters are great. Even if they are only human.