Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


05 December 2009

Pushing Through Illness

I didn't tell anyone this because I didn't want to answer the H1N1 question. I had the flu all week this week. It was seasonal and nothing to be concerned with. I'm better now, or on my way to better anyway.

I've been trying to push through being sick and get my writing done, but when you have the flu that's hard to do. Your body hurts, your head throbs, and you alternate between having drenching sweats and teeth chattering chills. It's hard to do more than lay in bed and let it have you.

It's Saturday and today is one of the first days I've actually felt like writing in a week. I went out Wednesday and Friday for a little bit, but eventually it took me back and threw me in bed.

So how do you keep working on something you love when your body won't cooperate with you? That's a hard one. Some of us have more tolerance for pain and sickness than others. I can put up with a lot of pain. But when the chills come, I'm in bed. If you can't get up, don't beat yourself up over it and stay in bed. It's more important for you to feel better than to get those three pages knocked out every single day.

But if you can do it, then try. I'm a strong believer in taking care of yourself before anything else. I never got the flu like this until I had Mono really bad when I was twenty. Now I get it bad and more than once a year.

The only other option is to take your laptop to bed with you and try to write between the sweats and chills. If you do that, you're a much better person than I am.