Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


24 March 2010

Writing War

Well I've finally come to it and I don't know how to get past it. I'm writing the history of the first vampire civil war. I thought it was hard the first time I did it. I was wrong. Very wrong.

My problem is that I don't know whether to write each battle out, which would be tedious and long and dry for the reader, or to just skip ahead and finish the stupid book already. I had this problem the first time around and I finally decided that I was going to skip ahead a little bit (this whole thing takes about a year in Legacy's time) and only point out the important stuff. But what's the important stuff?

I think the battle where the werewolves join the war is important. I think the battle with the remaining ambassadors and their soldiers is important. I also think the last battle when Seven is born is important. But that's not that much to be honest with you.

Sure, there are events interspersed between the battles that are vital to the storyline, but how do I move past the war part and put those other moments into the story?

*shakes head* I'm just having trouble and I think I'm overthinking the whole thing. I just need to write it and get it over with.


Nicole said...

Why not write the full history of the war as a separate book? You could reference battles as though the reader already knows what's going on (within reason, of course), then they can get the other book for details.

Fans love stuff like that. Bonus chapters, deleted material available online, etc. Good stuff!

Unknown said...

Yeah, like a companion to the actual series. I was thinking about that actually. Then I can detail the different battles and such and it adds to the whole experience. That's a good idea!