Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


08 November 2011

Nanowrimo: Week #2

I had a post written for Nanowrimo Week #1, but alas my computer ate it.  So I'm just going to start over.

Welcome to Tuesday, Week #2.  If you're on track, you should have at least 10K words right now.  If you don't, it's not over yet.  It's never over until December 1 comes around.  In 2009, I wrote over 20K in one eight hour time frame to finish at goal.  So, it's completely not over yet.

What distractions are you working with?

Mine are a little 8 month old boy who is starting to get his first cold, a husband working 12 hour days, and a growing irritation with my surroundings.  Those are minor.  Well, 2.0 doesn't think his cold is minor but it means longer naps and more writing time when I should be washing dishes.  The dishes can wait.

This year, I didn't map my plot.  I hardly researched.  I didn't even name my characters until I was actually writing them.  I've never done this before.  I always have a plan, a plot map, a character map, thorough research done ahead of time.  Last year that didn't work out so well for me and I hardly made it to 10k, giving up by my birthday on the 14th.

So I'm just going with the flow.  I know this novel will require LOTS of editing later on and I'm not committing to anything.  If I think one character needs to be in a scene, I write that scene.  I make myself finish the scene I'm on and only then do I stop (unless 2.0 is crying and then all bets are off).

We can get through this together!  It's only once a year after all.  Bring on week #2!