Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


27 November 2009

Music To Write By-Nanowrimo Edition

Now that it's over, here's what kept me going when it seemed like I didn't have the steam to keep going:

Shinedown-If You Only Knew
Lady Gaga-Bad Romance
Maroon 5-Harder To Breathe
Linkin Park-The Little Things Give You Away
Rascal Flatts-What Hurts The Most
Nick Lachey-What's Left Of Me
Savage Garden-I Want You
Butterfly and Speed Over Beethoven from DDR
Avril Lavigne-My Happy Ending
Muse-Time Is Running Out
Shinedown-Second Chance
Eve 6-Here's To The Night
Lady Gaga-Paparrazzi
Linkin Park-Leave Out All The Rest
Better Than Ezra-Desperately Wanting
Nickelback-Burn It To The Ground
Avril Lavigne-Girlfriend
Lady Gaga-Poker Face
Guns and Roses-November Rain

That's just a partial list. I don't want to bore you with everything I listened to this month. Starting on Tuesday, things are going back to normal and I'll be more regular on my posts. Enjoy your weekend, get your word count done, and remember that it's almost over. Sleep is for December.

Reflections on Nanowrimo 2009

I did it. For a little while there it seemed elusive. About two weeks ago, I was certain that I'd crash and burn. But look at me now. I'm not just a winner this year. I'm a two time champ. That's heady stuff.

Part of what I learned this year was that if it can go wrong, it will. Murphy's law or something like that. Let's see what happened this month...For the first seven days of the month, I was sicker than a dog. I could barely get up enough energy to eat or bathe, let alone write. I haven't been that sick since February when I had the flu.

Once I'd gotten over that mess, my computer crashed. Twice. In twenty minutes. It wasn't a big set back, but it was a set back that I could hardly afford since I was so far behind. Then my husband's computer caught a virus and stopped working. There went another week and a half.

My saving grace was my office space. Without Fireworks, I don't think I would've made it. I wrote over 6,000 words here last Saturday, 4,000 the Saturday before, and 5,000 tonight. It's amazing to me how much work you honestly can get done when you're in the place where the creativity is booming. That and the spectacular coffee.

I still have until Monday to write and I might actually hit my personal goal of 53,000 words this year. Whatever happens from here is just icing on the cake. All that matters to me right now is that I did it. I did it when I thought I wouldn't be able to. And I did it with time to spare.

If I can get there with all the distractions and problems in my personal life this month, you can do it too. Stop reading this right now and get your word count in. If you want it bad enough, nothing can stop you. Not the TV on sale at Walmart, not the remnants of Triptophen in your system from the turkey yesterday or the headache in the back of your skull at the sound of Christmas music. If you want it, you'll get it. And trust me on this one, you want it.

21 November 2009

Slightly After Mid-Month Nano Update

I don't know why I'm having such a hard time this year with Nano. Last year there was a lot more going on in life than this year, and last year I made it without much trouble at all. This year, if it can go wrong, it has. If it can possibly delay me at all, it will. If it messes up my schedule and delays my success, it will and it has.

With my word count available to you at the right, you can see how I'm doing so far this month. There's about nine days left in the month and I'm just barely over half way through. Why this year is causing such a problem is totally beyond me.

The one thing I can tell you is that it's not about preparation. I couldn't have started Nano this year with any more preparation than I did this year. I knew what I was writing about, I knew my characters and my plot. When I get the chance to get some work done, I have no problems with it.

But first I got sick. Really sick. Then Nathan's computer broke and he needed mine for a few days after he re formatted my tiny laptop. Add to that the hours I've been working and the sheer exhaustion I've been dealing with and it's been a rough month.

Then everything fell into place for my last ten days. I have a week off of work and nothing serious planned before Thanksgiving. If I can keep cranking out five pages every single time I sit down, I might just make this work out.

December is just over a week away people. Then things can go back to normal.
14 November 2009

Fang Marked Is Closed Today Too!

The office is closed today for the worst day of the year. My birthday. No one send any cards or well wishes because I'm going to hide in bed all day to try to avert the apocalypse. I know that no one will listen to me and I'll probably receive emails anyway. Thank you for reminding me that I should have a good day today. But after mono on your 20th birthday, you give up trying to have a happy birthday. Yay. Rah. Going back to bed now.
07 November 2009

Weekly Nano Update and Music to Write by

Well guys, this was the first full week for Nano. How did you do? I didn't do horrible, unless you count that almost half of my word count was done today. What can you do when you're sick you know?

As of this very moment, I'm sitting at 11,195 words. It's not great, but it could be worse.

Posts for the rest of the month are going to be limited by my word count, I'm sorry for that. I just don't have time to keep up on here as much as I would like to while Nanoing. It's horrible of me, I know it, but that's life.

Here's your weekly music to write by:

My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne
Harder To Breathe-Maroon 5
Gives You Hell-The All American Rejects
Burn It To The Ground-Nickelback
Butterfly-Music from DDR (Dance Dance Revolution for you uncool people)
Gotta Be Somebody-Nickelback
Motions-Mathew West
Leave Out All The Rest-Linkin Park
Time Is Running Out-Muse
Unforgiven 2-Metallica
Iron Man-Black Sabbath
Move Along-The All American Rejects
Back Here-BBMak
The Dope Show-Marilyn Manson
Stupid Girl-Garbage
Go All The Way (Into The Twilight)-Perry Farrell (The Twilight Soundtrack)
Meet Me On The Equinox-Death Cab For Cutie (I'm obsessed, I know it)

There's a lot more, but I'll save it for later. I'm going to take a nap I think before going out and having a life later on tonight. Have a good weekend and if you're behind on your word count, why are you reading my blog? Go write! Win!
04 November 2009

Fang Marked Is Closed!

The office is closed for today for Nathan's birthday!! He's 28 today, even if he really thinks he's 29. Happy Birthday sweetheart!
02 November 2009


I would write more here, but I'm nanoing. You should be too.
01 November 2009

Time To Write-Nanowrimo!

Time to get cracking! Whip out your laptops or your notebooks and pens and get down to business. If you want to hit your word count, you need to start strong. Write. Win!