Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


31 January 2013

Unintentional Hiatus

This post is much later than I intended it to be, but I'm hoping that you'll forgive me after you read what happened.

Not long before Christmas, my steadfast little pink Acer netbook started having some problems.  It was taking too long to load programs and I wasn't entirely comfortable with its ability to save my work if I was writing.  Since I normally don't write during December, I wasn't thinking too much about it and figured after a little reformatting that the problems would cease.

However, about three weeks ago, my computer stopped taking a charge.  Thankfully I wasn't working on a novel when I discovered this and I still had half of my battery life left to shut it down and stop using it.  But that leaves me woefully sans computer to write.  I'm typing this blog entry on my husband's computer while he's at school.  If I could use one of his three desktops, I gladly would but they are not available to me.  Did I mention that my husband is in college for web development?  His computers are set up to do homework and run his business.  Writing is taking a back seat to that right now.

The good news is that this hiatus is soon coming to an end.  A new computer is on the horizon.  Once everything is set up and my novels are retrieved from Google Drive (I LOVE Google!), then I'll be back on schedule.  Legacy is due to come out in May!

Thank you for your patience while I'm technolgically stagnant and I'll have something new for you very soon!