Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


16 November 2010

Nano Midway Update: Monumental Failure

I'm having a really hard time with Nano this year. After realizing that I'm doing a horrible job this year and getting over the frustration, I realized that some good had come from this experiment in disastrous failure.

1: My life is not as interesting as I thought it was. My Nano novel was based off of my own experience with my father's death and life following that tragedy. But as I started to write it down, I realized the details are very boring.

2: Coming off a very long hiatus is very hard. I wasn't disciplined anymore in my writing time or in my style and it's hard to get that groove back.

3: I miss my vampires. I honestly miss them very much. As I looked back over Awakening, I've been happy that I didn't publish it as it was because there's so much that needs to be changed.

4: Writing excites me again. I guess I was burning out. I haven't even read vampire books in about six months and I've been staying away from anything supernatural. Instead, I've been digging into general fiction and some mystery and fantasy. I've been knitting to relieve stress. I've been focusing on my pregnancy and the baby boy who's going to enter the world in March. But I've missed writing. I've missed being creative. It's time to get back to what I love doing.

I won't make my goal this year. It's simply too late for me to make up the numbers I need to make it happen. But I'm okay with that. You can't win every year right? Well, maybe you can...but I can't.


Nicole said...

I'm not going to be able to finish, either. But writing the story I did (what I actually wrote of it, that is) was an eye-opening experience for me, as well.

I hope you're not too frustrated. Even if the story ends up in "the trunk," you did write something, and I'm sure it was emotionally good to get the story down somewhat!

Back to vampires, then?

Unknown said...

Oh yeah. Back to vampires and supernatural powers and controlling the elements. Just the good old stuff. But I am thankful for the failure. I've won the last two years and it's nice to see what happens when you don't make it.