Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


18 July 2011

It's Finally Here!

It only took me another year, but I finally finished Awakening!  It's ready to be proofed and I'm ordering that copy of the book tomorrow.  I can't believe it!

So what's happened since the last post?

My son was born on February 23, 2011.  Bringing a newborn home requires schedule adjustments and it took me and 2.0 a few months to get into a groove together.  Add to that a new work schedule for both my husband and myself and some...shall we say complications?  With all that, you have the perfect recipe for book delays.

But it's done now!  I can finally move on and work on Resurrection.  Now that's exciting!

Do you know how many times I've written Awakening?  Three times.  That's a lot for anyone.  I can finally move on with life and take the next step in the Chronicles Of Seven.

Fingers crossed for Resurrection by the end of the year!