Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


04 March 2010

Deadlines Again

I have figured it out. The reason we even have the word 'deadline' in our vocabulary is so that you meet it. If you don't get things done on time, you're dead. Hence the word 'deadline'.

What's with my sudden fixation on deadlines? I'm staring at one and I don't like it.

Since I'm in week four of the Artist's Way and had to suffer through my reading deprivation week (Have I stopped reading altogether? Absolutely not. I still read when I want to. But do I sit with my book and let myself get swept away? Sadly no.), I've noticed that I really have a lot of work left on Legacy and need to get my tush in gear to get it done on time. I've already pushed the deadline back once. I can't do that again.

Here's my plan for Legacy: finish the rewritten first draft by the end of March (Yes, I have that much of it left to write). Then in April, I'm not allowed to look at it. At the beginning of May, I'll start real time editing with Nathan. While I'm doing that, I'll comb through it on my own and add or take out things that need to be added or removed as well as rewording things that need help. By the end of May, it should be done. Then it's on to formatting and cover art, but that's on him. After the formatting is done, I'll go through it again and rework things that need to be reworked. The whole thing should be done by the end of June.

The plan after Legacy? Awakening is due in November. At least I have most of that written and just need to finish it. November shouldn't be a problem. It's releasing a book in the middle of Nano that I'm not excited about.

At least my deadlines are self imposed. I can't even imagine having someone else telling me how quickly things needed to be accomplished with my writing.