Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


07 March 2010

The Result of Reading Deprivation

I managed it. It was very hard, but I managed it. I cheated (a LOT) but I did it. I managed to only finish one book this week and that was only when I had absolutely no other option but to read or go insane.

When I was reading about the whole reading deprivation week and how it was supposed to allow the inner artist child to play, I was skeptical. What author wouldn't say that you couldn't read anything but their book for a week? Seriously?

So I tried to stop reading. (I didn't count my manga as reading because it's a Japanese comic book. That's not reading, that's enjoying art) I would force myself to put the book down when I started to get pulled away from my craft. I read at the plasma center (there's literally nothing else to do. I'm not kidding) and I read at the chiropractor's office. Then something funny happened.

I didn't want to read. I wanted to write. I wanted to write constantly. I'd tap out my creativity (you can do that right?) and I'd still feel this itch in my fingers to keep going. Just keep writing, anything at all.

I'd write at the chiropractor's office in my notebook with a pen. If I was out with someone and they went to the bathroom, that notebook came out and I'd scribble down notes for the next scene in my novel. I'd talk about my characters like they are living and breathing human beings walking around somewhere in the world. I'd forgo breakfast (and I'm on a cleanse right now, so that's not a good idea) just to get more writing done after the morning pages. My morning pages started turning into pages for my novel or character bios for Resurrection (which isn't coming out until next year). Insanity abounded.

I have to say that my skepticism about the reading deprivation week was unfounded. I didn't realize that I did this, but I would hide my creativity in the book I was reading, not the book I was writing. I'd let the characters I was reading about block me out. Now I let them speak to me in a different way.

Even if you're not doing the Artist's Way like I am, try not reading for a week. Seriously. You can only read when it's absolutely necessary (like the plasma center). You might be surprised at what comes out of your head.


Nicole said...

It sounds like, despite your skepticism and still reading for the week, you were able to get something out of it. I'm glad.

I'd be curious to see what happened if you really didn't read for a week! Part of the point of the week is to find other interests. During my reading deprivation week, I discovered a love of sewing, and I've strengthened my relationship with the Lord.

Unknown said...

To really not read at all for a week? *shudders* I'm not sure that's even possible for me...I did listen to a lot of new music this past week too.

I miss knitting though. Now that I have more function in my hands, maybe I can take that up again...