Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


18 July 2009


The time has come for me to separate my writing life from my actual life. There's just too much going on with my writing to keep it on my regular blog. Once my second novel comes out in November, there will be even more.

So far, everyone loves Prophecy. That is surprising and not surprising at the same time for me. When I wrote the story of Seven and Rhoswen, I didn't expect it to take off like this. I was just discussing the story with my friend Melissa, who just finished the book a week ago, and she was begging me for the second one (she has it on her computer. When I told her that, she got real quiet and paid attention to the road). I never thought I would inspire people to actually cry when something happens to one of my characters (I almost gave away the plot twist. Oooops), but Melissa did. So did Laura, who bought the first copy I sold.

As I've been editing the prequel, which will be out sometime next year, I've found myself loving my characters all over again. It's interesting to think of what they will go through later in the novel or later on in the story as I'm writing the next book in the series.

It also makes me think about what will happen when this goes mass market (because it will eventually). That's exciting to think about.

Anyways, I wanted to throw out a post saying welcome and there will be more to come. Now it's time for more coffee.