Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


30 July 2009


Sorry for the few days of nothing. As I'm sure everyone and their grandmother is aware by now, my computer was trashed last week. Drama, drama, drama. Add this to the fact that I currently don't have internet at home, and you get the three (sometimes more) posts a week. Last weekend was a mental health weekend and I didn't leave my apartment. So, today starts a new day.

I have a new fang marked computer, or at least a temporary one until I get the real new computer. So for the last three days, I've been rewriting the book that I lost last week and I'm finding new things to inspire me to keep going. I'm dependant on music to write. Since most of my new music was lost on the hard drive, I'm using what I had saved from a LONG time ago on the external hard drive. While going through this music I realized two things: I need to get new music and I really love the Japanese rock music I saved.

Anyone whose read Prophecy knows about the Daitenshi Club which has a rock song in Japanese being played when Rhoswen walks in. I forgot all about that song until I found it on Monday. I also found the theme song to the first couple seasons of Inuyasha. That's a good song too. I might not know what the words mean (there are some English words in there, but that doesn't help much), but the music is great.

This got me to thinking today about inspiration. What helps put you in the writing mode? What do you do to make sure that you get those 3 pages a day everyone in the business says we should write? Are you a musicphile (if that's not a word, I created one) or do you need to read a lot or do you like to look at nature?

I need the music, that's true, but I also read constantly. This week's been a slow week since I'm only on my second book of the week. Normally I knock out about four. Granted, I did finish about seven volumes of manga over the weekend, but still. Since I'm a vampire writer, I read a LOT of vampire stuff. I'm currently into the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I'm in love with True Blood. Next I'll be back in the Twilight zone (yes that's Stephenie Meyer. I'm making bad jokes) again after the latest Sherrilyn Kenyon comes out next month.

Tell me what inspires you. I'm curious to know what works for other people. Maybe I'll find something new for myself.