Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


31 July 2009

Research Mode

Today, I was going over the plot for Legacy, the prequel in my series, and I had some thoughts that I wanted to share with other writers in the world. I personally hate doing research.

This probably comes from the days on end I spent in the library researching for speeches in high school (I did competitive speech, or forensics as it's called out here) and I have found that I can't stand to do research anymore.

For Legacy, I had to research Scotland's history from the 1600's through the 1800's. That's a lot of history. I know more about the Battle of Culloden and the history of tartans than I really ever wanted to know. While some of the research was really interesting (like learning which clan had what tartan), some of it was dry and I had a hard time finding anything reliable about warfare and weaponry from that time.

In the future, if I can afford it, I think I might push that kind of research off onto someone else who likes to do it and has time to do it.

But there is research that I find quite intriguing. About eight months ago, I did research on vampire myths and folklore. That was very interesting. I also did some on werewolf myths, but that wasn't as fruitful as the vampire search was. I've also buried myself in books on Norse mythology recently. It's very interesting stuff and I would recommend anyone who wants to dig into that topic to do so and share those results with me. My library is sorely limited.

What kinds of things do you like to research? What kinds of things do you wish someone else would look up for you?


Nicole said...

I'm of the mindset that I should do my own research simply because you don't know where it will lead you.

Say I'm writing a story about a coffee house (far stretch, right?), so I do research on how to start a business in the geographical region of my story. Well, as I'm doing research, I discover that the incorporation information is dependent on the type of building being used. So from there I go to research about commercial building leasing/buying in the area, which may lead me to zoning laws, giving me a better idea of where, exactly, my fictional coffee house might be located.

If I gave someone else that research to do, I may not have gotten the info on commercial buildings and zoning laws.

Unknown said...

I can understand that. I know I need to do my own research. I just really hated researching Scottish history. It's my history, but I still couldn't get into it.