Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


30 June 2010

Now What?

After working so hard toward the deadline for Awakening, I'm finding myself at a loss for what to do with my writing time now. I know I have projects that I want to work on (Prophecy is getting edited again for query to an agent, Resurrection is stuck in my head and won't leave me alone, The Order Of The White Rose novel needs to be recreated from data loss), but I just can't make myself start of them, not yet.

I think I'm going to take some time off, just a couple days or a week or something, and let myself write fun things. Short (ha!) stories that have no torture or blood or war or death in them. Character developing stories, stories that I could put on my website maybe. Just little snippets of action you missed between Forbidden and Awakening or Prophecy and Forbidden. Maybe even a short story from before Prophecy, in between Legacy and Prophecy. It's an interesting thought.

I already have one in my head that my fingers are itching to write. It's very funny and with that, I don't want to mess it up with bad delivery of the jokes or poor imagery or something like that. But that's the nice part about it being a short story. It's not long enough to be a big deal to edit if I make mistakes.

Today I'm off. There are no office hours today. I just woke up earlier than anticipated and had some time on my hands or I wouldn't even be writing anything today at all. But tomorrow...we'll see about that.


Nicole said...

You could always work on your vampire coffee house story.