Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


08 October 2009

Beta Readers-Part 2

I love the friends I have that loved Prophecy enough that they want to beta read (or cold read as I will sometimes call it) for me. Even the ones that are upfront enough to tell me that they want to read the finished product, but really don't want to read the novels until they're finished. It's all helpful. As I stare at the second "first" draft of Legacy, I'm starting to wonder if my beta readers know what they're really getting into.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't like to beta read. I'll do it and I'll be honest about the work I'm reading, but I hate to do it. I don't feel like I'm being fair to the author. When your novel is in shambles (that's what a first draft really is after all) and you haven't figured out a title or how you want to chapter it, it's that much harder for me to give you good feedback when I cold read it. I know this and that's why I'm very picky about who cold reads for me.

I have two wonderful friends that got to read Prophecy in it's first draft. They didn't have to tell me how horrible it was (Nikki, we can both be honest here. It was HORRIBLE), they told me it could be better. Neither of them have had a chance to read the published novel (because I can't seem to remember to go to the post office and I won't just send a copy down without my autograph), but I think they'll both be surprised by the final novel. They both have copies of Forbidden (I'm sure you both do because I remember emailing them to you) and it's not the same book now as it was then.

As I sit here staring at Legacy, I wonder if either of them would be surprised by the content of it. I wonder what my other beta readers will think of the story. Sometimes you have to love your beta readers. Sometimes they just scare me.