Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


13 October 2009

Welcome To My Office

Most people have an office space. Whether that's at home or the library or wherever, you have one.

I do have office space at home, but since I live in a one room efficiency apartment, my office at home consists of a dining room chair, a tall barstool to set my laptop on, and a small space on the entertainment center for my mouse and external hard drive. It's not pretty. There's a reason I haven't taken any pictures of it to show anyone. But hopefully our living situation will change soon (we're looking into some options), but until then, that's the space I have to work with at home.

So it's no surprise that I love my second office the best. It's Fireworks Coffeehouse in Moline, IL. I've talked about to
everyone and their grandmother, but today, I actually have pictures of my second home to share with you.

This picture with the tables and chairs is part of my office. Actually, it's the cafe section of Fireworks, as opposed to the studio where you can paint your own pottery. I've done that many a time (as I've blogged about in the past), but I don't typically work on a studio table.

The picture at the top of this post is where I usually work. I have a table at Fireworks that's thought of as my own. It's my creative space and I love it. It's where I'm sitting right now, enjoying my caramel cheesecake mocha (don't knock it until you try it because it's fabulous).

I guess it doesn't really matter where you work, as long as you work well there. Sometimes, I have to be at home to get anything serious done because I'm distracted at Fireworks (ooh internet time), but there are times when I'm actually more motivated to get things done at Fireworks because of the atmosphere (I'm going to get more pictures of it lit up at night. That's the best).

My advice today is to find a spot, any spot will do, and get something done. Whether that's research (yeah, that's what I'm doing with my internet time. I swear I'm not playing Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook) or actually writing a few pages, go where the atmosphere is the best and get it done. When Nano starts in less than a month, I'll be at Fireworks, where the creative juices flow the best for me. If you're in the area, please feel free to share that space with me.