Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


31 October 2009

What I've Learned While On Sabbatical

Today is my last day of sabbatical before jumping into Nanowrimo. On this last day of my journey to find my inspiration again, I want to give you some insight on what can actually be gained from taking some much needed time off:

-when you aren't supposed to be writing three pages a day, you find yourself wanting to write three pages a day.
-there are other books out there besides vampire novels and books about infertility and depression.
-Bejeweled blitz on Facebook is addictive. So are Pieces of Flair and The Mood Weather Report.
-AOL radio has an all Nickelback channel which is very cool.
-dreaming turns into moments when your characters are talking to you again.
-suddenly, I have three more novels to add to the series I'm currently writing. I cultivated the plot lines for the last three novels while watching Heroes Season 3, Prince Caspian, and Dune.
-I'm also thinking about writing a fantasy series about five or six years from now.
-I've had great conversations with friends and family about my writing and found fantastic inspiration and encouragement in those conversations.
-friends who have been very understanding about my devotion to my work and the little bits of time I get to spend out with them. This break has been wonderful for them, but as of this past week, they are all telling me to go back to work. Except Karrie, who wants to play more DDR.

Ultimately, even though I haven't always enjoyed the time off from my work, I'm finding myself refreshed and ready to get back to business as usual. I'm excited to see Forbidden released in the middle of November and I'm pumped up for my Nano novel this year. There comes a time when we all need to recharge our batteries. I'm glad I took the time off to recharge mine.