Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


09 October 2009

What's In My Bag-Part 2

It's Friday! That means it's time to have fun for the first time in a long time. With this in mind, I thought I'd go through the contents of my bag with you to make you laugh. You might not believe me right now, but it's funny. Or maybe that really is just funny to me.

Let's see. Well, there's the computer and external hard drive that are both a brilliant shade of pink. It was my husband's idea. I have the mouse, earbuds, USB cable for the hard drive, and my power cord. Those are standard. The funny part is the overwhelming amount of notebooks, large and small, and the pieces of scratch paper that clutter the remains of my purse.

I was randomly pulling out these pieces of scratch paper, mostly from when I'm at work and forget to bring my notebooks, examining what's on them, and I found the most random quotes and plot ideas for my novels. It was funny to me. I told you.

There were Foamy the Squirrel quotes (check out if you're interested in Foamy. But be warned, it's adult humor. No kids allowed) and True Blood quotes. Those are mixed in with quotes from Edgar Allen Poe and Mark Twain. I had random notes about the effects of drinking human blood on vampires and methods of killing a vampire. Then there were song lists, both for my weekly music to write by posts and songs I had to look for online.

Then, smack dab in the middle of this cluttered chaos, my copy of Prophecy is resting safely between my notebooks. Actually, it's resting inside my dayplanner, which has managed to come open in my bag.

What are you carrying around with you?