Fang Marked Quote Of The Week

"We're odd when office supplies make us happy."
"No. Just writers."

-Me and Nicole Palmby
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Nanowrimo 2011

Nanowrimo 2011
30 Days Of Literary Abandon!


05 October 2009


NP over at Coffee Stained Writer ( posted about stealing other people's ideas last week (I think it was Saturday? I read the post on Saturday) and I wanted to clear the air a little bit because I felt the post was inadvertently directed over here to me. Consider this the only time I'm going to rant on this blog. Most of my rants are saved for my personal blog, but I digress.

Maybe her comments weren't directed toward me and I'm not going to take offense to them as a writer. People have the same ideas all the time. Since I typically write out my posts ahead of time due to lack of internet connectivity at home, I might end up posting something that appears to be the same on the same day, but in reality it was written quite awhile before the other person's post was written.

As far as posting about Nanowrimo, I'm going to remind everyone out there that I was posting about that in August. I've put up posts to be put up at later dates about Nano because I wanted to get stuff out there. I'm excited about Nano, I love Nano, and I want everyone else to be excited about Nano. Last year, Nano changed my life. After seeing Prophecy in it's published glory and getting feedback from others who've read it, I'm convinced that I'm doing something right by putting that story down to paper. I can't wait for Nano this year. My fingers are literally itching to get started on this year's novel. So as far as Nano is concerned, I've written a lot of stuff to be put up later.

Along with that, any other ideas I may be inspired by that were hatched in the brain of someone else, if I neglect to give you credit, I'm sorry. If I forget to acknowledge your genius, forgive me. My own genius is not acknowledged all the time, but I got over it.

Blogging about writing shouldn't be a competition about who is better than someone else. Writers should band together if possible and help each other. That's what this blog is there for. I remember being a writer in the very beginning last year. I didn't know what I was doing, I just sat down and typed and Prophecy and Forbidden were what came out. I've never been prouder of a creation in my life (I don't have kids yet, so I can say that honestly). Right now, it's Saturday and I'm getting ready for my first bookclub meeting where my novel is the subject of the get-together. I'm posting this on Monday, but still.

I guess my feelings were a little hurt by what was posted on Coffee Stained last week. I don't mean to maliciously trample over someone else's ideas. Personally, I believe that if you have an issue with something I put up on here, let me know about it in a more private manner so I can spill my guts in apology. Maybe that post wasn't directed at me. Still, message received.